
Book Name : 巧讀資治通鑑

Author : 司馬光

What is it about :
 This book could be considered as one of the two monumental Classics on the history of China. Written in the Song Dynasty (宋朝) by the famous scholar (司馬光 1019 - 1086 A.D.), a senior figure who served under four Song Emperors and was in his later years, given the immense task on codifying Chinese history from previous ancient texts, spanning 1,362 years, broken down into 294 Chapters, composed of over 3 million words and using up 19 years of his life. 
The other great historian in China was (司馬遷) who was a famous astronomer-turned-historian in the Han Dynasty (漢朝 circa 150 B.C.) who codified even more ancient historical events spread over 2,500 years into the great Classic (史記). This great scholar was also credited for his other contribution of the precise calculation and formulation of the Lunar Calendar as well as the prediction of the operating trajectories of stellar bodies.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Not only this Classic was being hailed as a great scholarly achievement in its methods and contents, the book was lauded for its style and clarity in describing and breaking-down of Chinese historical events in an all-angle, story-telling and analytical manner, whereby the famous battles, the characters of note in each event, the power struggles in the Imperial Courts as well as the lessons learnt from the outcomes were clearly presented. The Classic became a valuable and practical source of wisdom and governance methods for future Dynasties, Emperors and Ministers for reference. The events outlined in this book were thought provoking and insightful into the oh-so-familiar human nature of greed, creed, honour, betrayal and glory; the inter-plays of cut-throat politics and the inevitable nature and cycle of the rise and fall of empires.

Would I recommend this book to you : A must-read for anyone who wanted to understand China, the Chinese and the Chinese history. For those who had been puzzled by the confusing and intricate world events of our generations and times, having read this Classic, one would look at our current state of affairs with renewed bearings and insights.


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