簡明中國文明史 - China : A 5,000-Year Odyssey

Book Name : 簡明中國文明史 China : A 5,000-Year Odyssey
Author : 譚中
What is it about : A scholar of international reputation regaled the stories in China's immense history with the expressed aims of : Debunking popular western myths on China and presenting the world about China's history from the hands of a Chinese scholar. The author covered interesting topics from the possibilities of how the names of China arose from Indian origins and vice versa, the name India came to be as a result of the pilgrimages of the Buddhist monks; much coverage was devoted to the interpretation of Chinese poems as "evidence" reflecting life in ancient China; the author put forward the idea that the Silk Road has also been the Religion Road where different religions reached China. The book was published in 2018, so many current topics have been taken into account. At the outset, the author exclaimed how strange it was that when people wanted to understand Russia, they would read books written by Russians but when people wanted to understand China, they read books written by Americans ! He hoped that this book would in some ways, address and change this abnormality.

Some thoughts after having read the book : The author came packed with credentials up to his eye brows - having taught and lived in India for over 40 years and so well versed with both cultures and had been advisors to top diplomats and high offices. His book read well with lively discussion style presentation and he wisely only picked out selected significant examples of historical figures (such as the one and only Empress of China 武則天) for discussions in this book and hence avoided cumbersome and distractions from his main macro themes. I did not find one moment of boredom or any part of the book that was not interesting. He provided unique insights into China's history by making frequent references to his forte : India.

Would I recommend this book to you : Without the required expertise and being a total arm-chair historian, I could hardly comment if the Author succeeded in debunking western myths or convinced the general readers of his views, but one thing for sure, this book provided extremely fascinating insights in how China came to be, how China and India had been "twin brothers" all along, under the Himalayan civilisation sphere and the author was able to tell wonderful stories on many of China's historical figures. Reading this book would enhance your understanding of China in leaps and bounds.