Katherine Mansfield Selected Stories

Book Name : Katherine Mansfield Selected Stories
Author : 
Katherine Mansfield

What is it about : 
A selection of about 30 short stories from this well traveled writer who was born in New Zealand and had sojourned in various parts of Europe; she died at the age of 35. This book covered her work spanning her productive years and the topics she wrote varied tremendously from moody ship voyages, busy garden parties to marital tension and class prejudice. Most of the stories covered an amazing 5 to 10 pages only.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Each story read like an episode from different long-running TV Classics soap opera and the reader just happened to sit-in and viewed one of these episodes. Once I had accustomed to this aspect and perceptive, I quite enjoyed each story, even without knowing anything about the "previous" episodes such as the plot line, the characters, the settings etc. and the reader would just dive in to the environment framed up by the author and just "watch a bit of soap". However, one had to bear in mind that the reader would be left in mid-air at the end of each story as there is really no beginning and no end.

Would I recommend this book to you : 
Read a bit of "literature" for a change; good for your spirit, improve your English and get to know the style and prose of one of the famous writers of a century ago.

Dead Eric Gets Virus

Book Name : Dead Eric Gets Virus
Author : Nury Vittachi

What is it about : 
Eric The Teenage Nerd accidentally loaded his brains onto a military-grade computer via his PC from home. His only friend Min, tried her best to save him by beating the countdown of the start of a massive world-wide computer virus attack, that would, emm, REALLY kill Eric.

Some thoughts after having read the book : I had read on numerous occasions this Author's contributions to Asian Newspapers columns and I found him to be witty and to-the-point about daily hot topics, mainly dealing with current affairs. Within perhaps the space of one thousand words in these newspapers columns, this Author could really excel with that quick killer punchline. However, writing a short novel of this length was, in my mind, pushing his capabilities. Horses for courses really, think athletes who could be good at 100M and 200M, others good at hurdles, and still others specialize at marathons, but seldom you would meet an athlete winning at short put as well as the steeple chases.

Would I recommend this book to you : 
Read for a quick fun ride and re-live those teenagers' days.