Pincher Martin

Book Name : Pincher Martin
Author : William Golding

What is it about : The physical and mental journey of a shipwrecked seaman who was stranded on a desert island. Think Tom Hanks in Cast Away and you will get a pretty close picture of what the story is about; except that there is an eerie ending and of course Golding's master touches and tricks.

Some thoughts after having read the book : I struggled through two-thirds of the book before realising that I was beginning to think, talk and hallucinate like our Pincher Martin - will I be saved ? What must I do to be saved ? What's there to eat to keep me going ? I felt as Martin did that I was talking mad, thinking mad and wandering mad; the world became incomprehensible, myself confused and days went by in an dreamy haze. Yes - I was becoming insane.

Would I recommend this book to you : It is quite likely that you will not fully understand each scene and dialogue and will instead be very confused about where the plot is going; but stay with it and let Golding The Master take you through to the very end (in fact to the very haunting, very chilling last sentence) and you will be left stunned and the whole book will take on a completely different genre. Big words, eh ? But you will be rewarded if you stay with the maddening read.