The World Is Flat : A Brief History Of The Twenty-First Century

Book Name : The World Is Flat : A Brief History Of The Twenty-First Century
Author : Thomas L. Friedman

What is it about : The author brings in his own day-to-day experiences on globalisation by presenting countless examples on where works actually gets done around the world. For example, if you ring up the hotline for an auto-accident claims in the US, it is well likely that your call will be routed to some remote part of India where a local Indian worker will have all your records in front of her monitor and where she can process your case.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Quite unlike the author, perhaps I have personally dealt with the outsourcing industries for many years, I have found the concept and operation of relocating work to where the resources are best suited, easily understood and not at all novel. Many scenarios described in this book are really no novelties nowadays.

Would I recommend this book to you : If you are (still) unaware that your requests for computer repairs, insurance claims, banking needs or your purchase of a pair of Nike, may actually be carried out in another part of the world in a seamless fashion, then this book will help you understand the ins and outs of globalisation in the electronic age.