Travels With My Aunt

Book Name : Travels With My Aunt
Author : Graham Greene

What is it about : A reluctant, laid-back middle-age fellow was forced to get off his cosy comfort zone and embarked on a journey with his un-predictable and adventurous Aunt with a colorful past, whom he hardly knew.

Some thoughts after having read the book : The tale was populated with such interesting characters like the disabled old bloke who rented a 100-bedroom villa, each room with its own decorations; he changes room everyday so that he feels he is constantly on the move and resulting in him feeling satisfied with his "travels". The intriguing and charming past of The Aunt, comes peeling off layer by layer as the book storms ahead and the reader was left to feel he too needs to get back to his comfort zone, away from all this tiresomeness.

Would I recommend this book to you : Most definitely ! Graham Greene is one of my favourite writers. Depth, strength, complexity and humour are all his trademarks; but most of all, he has a keen eye into human frailty and frequent madness.