Lucky Jim

Book Name : Lucky Jim
Author : Kingsley Amis

What is it about : Set in an academic institution in the north of England, round about the 70s
' where the titled character, Jim, struggles, drinks and womanises his way around the academic circles with hilarious outcomes.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Myself being once an Academic (of strictly finite consequences of course)
, I do share and can easily visualise the settings, dilemma and the peoples Jim deals with.

Jim impresses as a major piss-head with hardly any shining intellects coming through from anything he does - having started from the pub with three pints of ale, stumbles into a colleague's room and polishes off a bottle of sherry and waking up with a half bottle of whisky by the bed side - this being the image the author has created in the readers' mind of our Jim.

Would I recommend this book to you : Yes. Have a great laugh (the actual laughing-out, lung-bursting type of laugh) ! The author writes with fluidity with brilliant set pieces; climaxing in Jim giving his "finest" and most memorable performance on stage for his promotion towards the end of the book. And as Lucky Jim would have it, he got lucky, having bounced off the various odious characters in the book - gloating boffins, self-important crap artists and insane women.