Evolution: The Triumph of An Idea

Book Name : Evolution: The Triumph of An Idea
Author : Carl Zimmer

What is it about : A pacey and fascinating account on Darwin's life, theories and
his ideas that gave rise to the controversies surrounding religion, science and our very own history. The book is full of examples of this great man's endeavour, wisdom, sensitivity and thoroughness.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Those years Darwin spent travelling on The Beagle had to be hard work - he was faced with the prospects of infection from unknown deceases, danger at the open seas as well as wary natives (probably the spear throwing type). Putting his achievement in these contexts, the meticulous details and passion which he still managed to bring to his art and craft of planning, exploration,
observation, collection and correlation, that led to his ground-breaking insights and conclusions, were just unbelievable. The man had the qualities of all men great - perseverance, patience and dare.

Would I recommend this book to you : Definitely ! The spectrum of arguments and the angles which the author brought to the crowded debate blew much life to the book. The many current and alive issues such as Creationism had been given vivid coverage; making the laymen readers aware of the forces at work (mainly detailed in the U.S.) which oppose Darwin's ideas or at least argue alternatives to the Great Man's thinking.

On Natural Selection

Book Name : On Natural Selection
Author : Charles Darwin

What is it about : The extremely interesting subject of Natural Selection is presented in this book in the style of a first hand lecture by Charles Darwin. Packed with detailed descriptions of examples, the book gives an excellent scientific overview of Earth's many species' existence and struggles. The great man leads you through his observations, what he surmised and what he concluded with both specific cases as well as generalisations of say the relationship between insects and climate changes.

Some thoughts after having read the book :
The English in this book is a pleasure to read for being straight forward, concise and detailed with plenty of scientific evidence to make it interesting and rewarding. Since this is a very contentious subject even till this day, with the many vocal Creationists communities around the world, the book conveys Darwin's humbleness (or even unwillingness at times), his careful approach in dealing not only with the science itself but also in the way he presented his Subject to the generally sceptical world around him in those days.

Would I recommend this book to you : Definitely. One of the best book I have read and felt fully gratified at the end of the reading. I felt the book should go on longer like the melancholy that lingered in one's mind, of leaving the theatre after a very memorable movie.