Lateral Thinking

Book Name : Lateral Thinking
Author : Edward De Bono

What is it about : A book for the laymen and teachers alike who are interested in gaining the know-how to begin, nurture and utilise lateral thinking. The book also painstakingly explains in details the differences and characteristics between vertical and lateral thinking.

Some thoughts after having read the book : I was very much amused and enlightened by the author's explanation of this very interesting topic. During the reading of the passages in the book, I was constantly trying to analyse the various industries and fields of professions in our day-to-day life such as the advertising agents, historians and physicists to check if they require more of the non-linear (lateral) or the building-block (vertical) modes of thinking approaches.

Would I recommend this book to you : Yes. The reader is made fully aware of how the mind functions and what are the triggers in initiating, and eventually making good use of the art of lateral thinking. The exercises in the book although at times, seem heavy-going, actually introduce the readers in to thinking effectively outside the box and beyond the boundaries. One word of note, the book is intended to be read over time of say, 3-6 months in order to gain a fuller appreciation.

Schindler's List

Book Name : Schindler's List
Author : Thomas Keneally

What is it about : A WWII businessman perfecting the art and craft of feeding off the evil's hands, at the same time negotiating the rescue of as many as he could, a seemingly doomed race.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Can you imagine in the present 2009, racial genocide is some nation's agenda ? Yes, there still are such lunatics out there, I'm afraid. I feel I got to know this Schindler character pretty well on his dilemma, business acumen and flamboyance. I was so unsettled during the reading of this book, at the random violence dished out by the shoot-easy manic depressing German Officers. At the same time, the book initiated my curiosity to visit Poland in the future, the land where the book was mostly based and where most of the blood was spilt.

Would I recommend this book to you : Definitely; especially if you want an account and a slice of WWII drama with real peoples with distinct characters - the good, the bad and the ugly. The mindless violence may disgust you and Oskar Schindler's repeated dealings with the Germans can drag on a bit.