The Black Stiletto

Book Name : The Black Stiletto
Author : Raymond Benson

What is it about : 
Upon receiving a call from his mother's lawyer, Martin would discover that his senile mother, Judy, currently bedded down in an old people's home, was the Black Stiletto, the infamous vigilante wanted by the Mafia and the FBI back in the fifties. At the same time, one of her old enemies received parole and left prison intended to exact his revenge on Judy.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Em, yeh ... interesting idea if one day anyone would find that his or her mother was once upon a time, some ass-kicking, karate black belt and boxing tom-boy with a lethal expertise on the use of the knife (the black stiletto) who had gone about New York City dressed like Bat Girl, fighting crime, the Mafia, the Communists and was high on the FBI's wanted list ! That aside, the story was told in an under-whelmingly low octane tone and style which without boring the reader to bed, certainly lacked the flair and climax.

Would I recommend this book to you : 
A plain read to while away your Summer beach days or those lonesome Winter nights. Don't expect James Bond-like actions though.