The God Delusion

Book Name : The God Delusion
Author : Richard Dawkins
What is it about : Our famous evolution biologist and my favourite science writer, ventured into a side (but big) issue of evolution - Religion. The book highlighted the absurdity and blood-thirstiness of the ancient scriptures, reported on interesting experiments on mass prayers, presented eye-opening evidence on vampire bats behaviour (rewarding those fellow bats who kept a promise and punishing those who were selfish !) and hence conjecturing of how the human species might benefit from being "good" without the need for, or help from, a religious belief or establishment.

Some thoughts after having read the book : The Subject aside, the author 's mastery in presenting a case gave the readers the impression of intrigue, fascination and all-rounded-ness with no stones un-turned. Any aspiring writers out there should take note of the way a complex matter was tackled, dissected and clearly articulated. The book's presentation of the many incredulous examples of religion-related incidents in the USA only re-confirmed what I had read elsewhere - especially the extreme hatred exhibited by the would-be god-fearing church goers in that country.

Would I recommend this book to you : Ever wondered : the existence of a supreme being out there looking over your every move ? Do your prayers work ? By doing good deeds, are you enhancing your evolutionary advantages ? Want to investigate the inconsistencies exhibited in the ancient scriptures ? Want to exercise your intellect and work out a probability number for the existence of God ? Then this book might well be your best companion for the next two weeks as the author put forward interesting, entertaining and plausible explanations for all these questions. Put away your prejudice and take this book out from the local library - you would not be disappointed.