Light In August

Book Name : Light In August
Author : William Faulkner

What is it about : A pregnant Lena Grove from Alabama went in search for the irresponsible father, literally by hitching rides after wagon rides, encountered the four vivid characters (directly or indirectly) in this moving story that ultimately climaxed in high drama. The four dudes in question were : "You're Pregnant-I-Had-Better-Run" Lucas Burch, the love-me-do Byron Bunch, the fallen preacher Gail Hightower and the mixed-blood Mexican with an unusual start and end of life, Joe Christmas.

Some thoughts after having read the book : This is a story you are not likely to forget too soon. The lives of the four men and one woman interwovened as if fate had brought them together and the story was set at a time in the American States that had a major attitude problem - the great black and white divide. Racial over tones permeated the story which I imagine was a reflection of the time that was. The parts written about the arm-waving delirious preacher Hightower and how his stunned congregation diminished in size were hilarious and definitely my favourite.

Would I recommend this book to you : Yes ! Don't be put off by the daunting feeling that you are reading a Nobel Prize author at work, this story had a surprisingly ready-for-movie feel about it and hence very readable. You will be impressed upon and delved right inside the incredible characters; however, you will need a bit of patience at times as the story was told in a chronologically zig-zag fashion.