The Female Of The Species

Book Name : The Female Of The Species
Author : Joyce Carol Oates

What is it about : A series of psychological thrillers based around a female of different age, generation and background and the short stories settings varied from holiday resorts in the American Northeast, an American hospital to the high class shops of New York Upper Manhattan
. Basically there were the attentive nurses performing dubious acts, audacious toddlers getting lost on the roof, mum with a bit of a wild past, an unfaithful yet indecisive wife and there could even be a murderess in the midst.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Each story gripped my attention right from the word go and never let loose of my focus, right till the very suspenseful endings. The author was masterful in creating the tension by drawing you close to the characters' thoughts until you could feel their heart pound, pitied their dilemma, condoned their actions, inherited their weaknesses and consumed by their passion.

Would I recommend this book to you : 
A most resounding YES ! I would even say that this author had become one of my favourites in the "suspense and thriller" genre. It was just pure pleasure, leisure, all-round entertainment and an immense satisfaction at the end of the unforgettable stories, having been taken for a roller-coaster of a ride. What are you waiting for ?

The White Castle

Book Name : The White Castle
Author : 
Orhan Pamuk

What is it about : 
Set in the days of the Turkish Sultan, the story of an Italian merchant/scholar who was kidnapped by the pirates and ended up a slave. Yes, slave-trading in those days was as common as buying a loaf of bread down the road. Incredible events began to take shape in the Italian's life - his master and the Italian joined/connected in myriads of emotional crossroads and knew each other's thinking, past life, guilt, habits, quirks and aspirations so well and thorough that eventually they became "one and inter-changeable" ! As master and slave marched into battle under the command of the Sultan, only one made it back to Turkey, but who was he ? Read on.

Some thoughts after having read the book : The Noble prize-winning author sure knew how to spin an unlikely tale; but I found the character-building of the main roles to be cumbersome, repetitive and at times, frustrating ( I went - yes yes I get it !); what could have been said in a few pages was dragged on and on and on till I was so looking forward to the end of the book; not exactly eager to reach an exciting climax, more hoping to get it over and done with. Interesting story it might be, long-winded it sure was.

Would I recommend this book to you : 
Either the translation was under-whelming or trying too hard to be "literature" or the story itself was just not engaging enough - I found it very difficult to get interested and stuck-in; maybe I was just short of patience during this hot Summer and expected to read something fast and furious. So if you want to have an idea of what this author is capable of, go for it; else, pass.