Rumpole a la Carte

Book Name : Rumpole a la Carte
Author : John Mortimer

What is it about : A collection of legal tales and cases our good-nature English solicitor had to contend with, almost always accompanied by a glass of the finest claret and the whining of his over-bearing missus at the background.

Some thoughts after having read the book : As always, reading an English author penning life in England brings immense gratification and memories of my days in this now far-away land with
glorious countryside and polite, humorous and often eccentric peoples. With the retiring Rumpole reaching out for his bottle of Claret at every convenient opportunity, the reader is instantly reminded that problems in life cannot be solved all at once and in a rush - so why not just sit back and contemplate a bit.

Would I recommend this book to you : If a spot of the English humour is what you want, this is the book for you. Laced with hilarity and happenings, this book paints a solicitor's colorful (my opinion) life in suburban England with an ingenious pen; colors by the way, are not always what you will find in suburban England; a testament to the power of the author's expressions.