The Perfect Murder

Book Name : The Perfect Murder
Author : Keating H.R.F.

What is it about : An honorable Indian inspector in the Bombay police department tried to uncover the truth behind the attempted murder of a company secretary of a well-to-do Indian family belonging to the upper echelon in the society. He was dubiously assisted by a lanky Scandinavian working for UNESCO in his effort to track down and outwit the supposed perpetrator. And as if that was not enough on his plate, his family demanded attention and moreover, a refrigerator for their modest home. As his investigation was well underway, he was lumbered with another extraordinary case of a single Rupee note having gone missing from a high ranking minster's office. Our man Guote had to juggle constantly with his priorities and finally nailed his adversaries.

Some thoughts after having read the book : I had high hopes of a roaring good read as this book came with outstanding credentials (this prize and that prize), but I was for most of the way fairly disappointed as the plot was underwhelming, the characters less than colorful, the pace hardly neck-breaking, suspects not at all cunning, Bombay less than intriguing. Alas, the last 30 pages saved the day with a memorable chase through the markets of Bombay and a grand finale when our Inspector cracked the cases with un-expected logic and a final twist; all this while the monsoon rain came pouring down.

Would I recommend this book to you : Ha hum, what can I say, while away on the beach with a beer and you might just find a good laugh out of this book.