A History Of God

Book Name : A History Of God
Author : Karen Armstrong

What is it about : A comprehensive account of the history of the world's three main religions : Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All the relevant historical characters who had ever made any impact, said anything enlightening or caused any re-think or re-group, have been mentioned in this book. All the theology, insights and controversies over the years, since the dawn of the "conscious" mankind, have been mostly accounted for in this book. Buddhism has also been frequently mentioned to run interesting parallels with these three religions. 

Some thoughts after having read the book : A book to completely "wow" you over with the impressive range of topics and understanding the author has over these religions. I was amazed to read up on the human race's painstaking attempt to conjure up entities of the "Supreme Being" or the "Nothing" and the ways and practices to reach, feel, understand and join-up with these entities. The author stressed on numerous occasions that a religion has to be pragmatic and has to "work" - that is, to help us make sense of our world. Daunting at first to put up with the challenge of reading such a big book with such a big title, I actually came out feeling I have gained something.

Would I recommend this book to you : Yes ! If you want to get a real grip on these religions or you want to understand why the historical figures made such impacts - then this is your book. What this book will NOT tell you however, are - the meaning of Life, why are we here and just who and what is God. You will need to figure that out yourself. Please e-mail me if you are close to an answer.

Rat Race

Book Name : Rat Race
Author : Dick Francis

What is it about : A laid-back, sometimes bitter ex-BOAC pilot with a not-too-clean flying record, became involved in an insurance scam in the horse racing circle. In the end of the story, became the hero with an almost-fatal stab wound, got the girl, took the cash and hobbled off to the sunset (something like that).

Some thoughts after having read the book : A hark back to the distant past where people actually sat by the phone awaiting news from missing family members; when books were less commercial and followed no known familiar formula; when heroes were reluctant and flirting was subtle - think Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn in BW movies - that's my impression of the book. An overall feel-good book and the reader would feel happy for the characters at the end of the book, without much Hollywood-hype fanfare, just no-fuss, comfortable Middle-England pleasantness.

Would I recommend this book to you : If you enjoy sitting by the radio listening to an exciting episode being read to you by a well-spoken Englishman, this is your book - a nostalgic old-timer. Take the book to a beach; or just read it to gain insights into a slice of England (horse racing, private jet business, esoteric airport locations ...); or just read the book for its good use of English - a good choice for extra-curricular reading material for say a student going on to Secondary School Form 1.