
Book Name : The Weathercock
Author : Glen Duncan 

What is it about : The book tracked the early life of spirit-seeing Dominic Hood as he stumbled from primary school fights, foul-mouthing his way through university and after much cigarettes, booze, drugs and women, found work in London and reinforced his dirty deeds and indulged in his vulgar sexual desires. Oh yes, should I forget : there's also the minor, rather distracting parts where he spoke to ghosts and witnessed a couple of clairvoyant happenings.

Some thoughts after having read the book : At times, the violent scenes were way too graphic. Apart from a few inspired turns of phrases and story-telling, else, the obscene profanities were too much to bear. Having said that, the part (20 odd pages) where Dominic witnessed the exorcism taking place in a church in India and the "dirty spirit" subsequently being driven out of the child's body was well worth my time.

Would I recommend this book to you : Because on too many occasions, the writing was over-the-top in my opinion of swearing, un-bearable sex scenes and pointless drinking binges, I would look elsewhere for a quick thrill. Also, warning : strictly NOT for minors and the straight-laced !