
Book Name : Capitalism
Author : Paul Bowles

What is it about : A fine introduction to this very relevant and important topic. The book is structured to present to the reader - the history, the peoples, the processes and the behaviour in societies adapting this type of system.

Some thoughts after having read the book : I was enlightened by the comprehensive coverage on the various aspects of Capitalism; what makes it tick, how such form of system is affecting the world in the present days and I was intrigued by the reference the book made to the topic of colonialism and mass consumerism.

Would I recommend this book to you : Yes. The book presents the central topics in a crystal clear and concise manner while never falling into the dangerous path of making it into a "textbook". In particular, I found the text boxes detailing the important relevant figures of Karl Marx, Milton Friedman, John Maynard Keynes and their contributions to the debate and development of Capitalism of significant interest, personally.