The Expat

Book Name : The Expat
Author : Chris Pavone
What is it about : A female CIA agent went from an international jet setting operative (taking out drug lords and the bad guys, two bullets in the stomach and one in the head) to a boring desk job (raising two kids, doing the laundry and cooking dinner) to become The Expat as her husband found a job in Luxembourg. Our stay-at-home-apple-pie lady soon found out her husband turned out to be a computer hacker, working closely with the FBI to siphon off millions of Euros. Her world came close to a collapse when the Interpol, FBI, CIA gave chase when her family made a quick escape into the streets of Paris.

Some thoughts after having read the book : The book spent loads of sleep-inducing coverage on house keeping chores, bland description of expat lives and communities and alas, the detailed mapping out of Parisian streets and different vacation hot spots in Europe. Out lady CIA's clumsy attempts in trying to figure out her husband's misdemeanors and the story lines were at best "let's past a few minutes on this book for diversions from other more boring activities of my day" to, at worst made me feel like throwing the book into the swimming pool.

Would I recommend this book to you : I should have bought the other book at the airport.