And Thereby Hangs A Tale

Book Name : And Thereby Hangs A Tale
Author : Jeffrey Archer

What is it about : Another collection of short stories by one of my favourite authors; geez, he must have known a lot of people or attended many dinner parties to bag all these tales. In this case, fifteen intrigues for the readers to savour

Some thoughts after having read the book : Up to the author's usual superb standard, these stories delighted a dull afternoon, invited a smile to your day and at times, caused the reader to plainly laugh out loud. If I had just one tiny negative comment to make, it would be the fact that the author was so good at his work, that the endings seemed a bit abrupt at times (a short story writing technique, I'm sure), when a bit of lingering sentiments and melancholy would go a long way to make that story more memorable.

Would I recommend this book to you : Please see my other comments on this author. In this instance, I would recommend the following books which I had enjoyed in the past by the same author. First Among Equals, A Matter Of Honour, A Quiver Full Of Arrows, A Twist In The Tale, Twelve Red Herrings, To Cut A Long Story Short and Cat O'None Tales.