The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes

Book Name : The Memoirs Of Sherlock Holmes

Author : Arthur Conan Doyle

What is it about : "Elementary, my dear Watson." The super sleuth came back with eleven mind-twisters for our dedicated fans of the Baker Street duo. Watson through his diary with Holmes closely observed and revered, picked out the best cases from years ago before he became the celebrity he was. In these memoirs, Watson jotted down the many mysterious events and cases the cold logician famously deduced and concluded; and honestly, in one of these cases - the Butler really did it. Moriarty, described by Holmes as "... the Napoleon of crime, organiser of half that is evil, genius, philosopher, an abstract thinker with a brain of the first order ..." made a dramatic entrance in the Swiss mountains, in The Final Problem, where quite likely, both Holmes and the master villain met their fate in dubious circumstances.

Some thoughts after having read the book : Always comforting to have Holmes on your side, especially the way he focused and made seemingly un-connected observations (all relevant afterwards, of course), casually picked out the crucial information and uttered his famous phrase "My dear Watson" and reached the Eureka moment. We managed to find more dimensions to our Holmes, like he took cocaine and was a messy person in life. Sherlock's elder brother, Mycroft also made an appearance from his much treasured hermit-like seclusion. My personal favourite was "The Naval Treaty", a real gem of a story where a most important Foreign Office document went walkies from an all-sealed room.

Would I recommend this book to you : Short essay writings at their very best; one vital skills in any story writing would be the choice of an enticing and intriguing title for the essay and here the book did splendidly with titles like : The Musgrave Ritual, The Greek Interpreter, The Reigate Puzzle and The Final Problem. Check out how this master storyteller created the mystery, conjured up the plot, held the readers' hand through the action and effortlessly solved the whodunit. Each essay packed with details, colors and dimensions where clues lied around aplenty for the readers to go-figure - Classy !


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