The Vault

Book Name : The Vault

Author : Ruth Rendell

What is it about : Our now-retired Whodunit expert Wexford rejoiced in being called back to the London Police force as "Advisor". This time a few bodies have been discovered, by the unfortunate present owners (The Rokerbys), underneath their huge London mansion - resulting in the dismal depreciation of an otherwise valuable real estate. Wexford went about his detective work whilst dealing with crisis happening back at home - his daughter being stabbed by her young toy-boyfriend who later hung himself in her house.

Some thoughts after having read the book : An exceptionally un-intriging, un-inspiring and ultimately un-rewarding read, by the normally high standards from this famous author, who seemed more interested in writing a "Walking Guide In The London Suburbs" as Wexford investigated this case on foot most of the time.

Would I recommend this book to you : Read her much much better other books.


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