Some thoughts after having read the book : Confucius had profound insights into human nature and nurture, strengths and weaknesses, creed and reservation, frailty and integrity, moralities and perversions, fear and courage. Not only was he a great scholar, Confucius was also a keen learner and student and he gained and inherited many of his knowledge and philosophies from : previous generations of respected dynastic rulers in the Zhou Dynasty (周朝 circa 1,100 B.C.); as well as from : even-more ancient texts such as I-Ching (易經) - The Book Of Changes; and also from : his peers and contemporaries of great standing, such as Lao Tze (老子) and Confucius thus becoming a giant in Chinese history.
Also, the original texts contained numerous famous Idioms which would still be used today in Chinese-spoken regions, to describe particular circumstances and place emphasis and clarity on natural and human behaviour and phenomenon. Listing just a few below and one would get an idea of the immense impact and influence these ancient texts have, on all-things-Chinese.
Just for my record - Idioms from 論語 : 和而不同, 聞一知十, 手足無措, 盡善盡美, 巧言令色, 敬而遠之, 過猶不及, 善價而沽, 當仁不讓, 舉一反三, 欲罷不能, 飽食終日, 既往不咎, 不恥下問, 己所不欲 勿施于人, 怨天尤人, 欲速不達, 言不及義, 是可忍 孰不可忍, 各得其所, 后生可畏, 人無遠慮 必有近憂, 察言觀色, 工欲善其事 必先利其器, 言過其實, 以德報怨, 逝者如斯, 誨人不倦, 循循善誘, 文質彬彬, 既往不咎, 見賢思齊, 成人之美, 道聽途說, 三省吾身, 循序漸進, 富貴浮云, 聽其言 觀其行, 見義勇為, 有教無類, 割雞焉用牛刀, 侃侃而談, 樂而不淫, 溫故知新, 以文會友, 登堂入室, 一以貫之, 華而不實, 患得患失, 血氣方剛, 名不正 則言不順, 既來之 則安之, 三人行 必有我師, 求仁得仁, 色厲內荏, 道不同 不相為謀, 小不忍 則亂大謀, 五谷不分, 三思而行, 愚不可及, 溫故知新, 一言以蔽之, 以和為貴, 敬鬼神而遠之, 慎終追遠, 不在其位 不謀其政, 樂在其中, 其身不正, 任重道遠, 人之將死 其言也善, 四海之內皆兄弟, 生死有命 富貴由天, 非禮勿視 非禮勿聽 非禮勿言 非禮勿動, 夢見周公.
Would I recommend this book to you : A book which re-affirmed my admiration and respect for the Great Man and also my appreciation of the importance and immense influence these texts had on the philosophical bedrock of the Chinese society - I would highly recommend this most-readable book to layman, foreign students or those like myself, wanting a concise book on the Subject, with interesting anecdotes.